I finally broke down and bought a new sewing machine! Up until now I have used a couple of hand me down machines, neither works predictably, but I could painfully coax one or the other of them almost to the finish line when working on a project. Lately, I either didn't sew or sewed what I needed by hand. Let me tell you, it is so nice to think of something I want to sew and simply trot down to the sewing table and joyfully zip straight through it! After testing out all the functions, I sewed two simple little projects that had been in queue for quite some time. Flannel liners for my tea cozy, the tea cozy is not washing machine friendly, but the new liners are. Then I made a heating mitt for my mum, basically a large mitt filled with rice, like the microwaveable neck wraps, but mitt shaped for her one arthritic hand. She loves it! Sorry, no pictures, she has it with her in bed. I tuck her in every night with a couple of hot pads, one for her feet and one for her hand. Well, as you can see, I have a mending pile that needs tackling, so it's off to work on that, but not before I pop over and check out the Fiber Arts Friday blog hop at
Have a great weekend, Blessings Friend!