You might remember seeing Beth at Visions of Sugar Plums post about these cute little buns on last weeks FOF Blog Hop. I thought they were so cute that I wanted to make up a bunch myself. This is what's remains after the little (and not so little) kidlettes adopted their own bun to take home. This batch will be posted off to my little goddaughter. I know Easter has passed, but who doesn't love a little bun?

I had so much fun making the bunnies that I decided to branch out. Another tiny friend of mine is absolutely crazy about T-Rex, and when I couldn't find a pattern I liked I decided to make up my own. These are the first amigurumi (ah-mee-guh-ROO-

He's a thoughtful little T-Rex, thinking deep dinosaur thoughts. I'm sure if I send a little bun along in the parcel, he wont chomp on it...right?
Be sure to pop over and check out all the fabulous bloggers on Wonder Why Gal's F.O.Friday!
Blessings Friends, I hope you have a delightful weekend!