You may remember these images, of the Dot yarn I spun during the Tour de Fleece. I had a special project in mind for those pretty dots.

I wanted to make a coil basket, woven so all the dots jingled on the outside of the basket, I love that musical little sound.

When the body of the basket was done, I decided it needed to have a footed bottom. I had a bit of an idea of how I wanted it to look, but I wasn't exactly certain how to accomplish it. So I had to start with what I did know, and move forward from there. I knew if I made the felted bits, the round felted tubes and the round felt beads, I would be half way there. Once I had my felted components, I just kind of lived with the idea. Sometimes you have to wait awhile, things happen just when they are meant to. (There's a life lesson or two in there somewhere.)

I added a polka-dot patterned flannel band around the rim, and used one of my vintage buttons for a closure. I love circles! (I was advised by one of my favorite professors in art school, "Everybody has this thing that wants to crop up in their work all the time, with you it's circles...try to edit the circles." That conversation still makes me giggle!)
I really enjoyed this project, I know, I know, I say that with every project, but it's true!
I hope everyone has a delightful weekend, and if you are in Michigan, or close by, tootle over to Allegan to the Michigan Fiber Festival and check out all the fabulous doings. Including the booths of Andrea the Wonder Why Gal, and Melissa of Needle and Wheel Designs and of course so many more!!!
Blessings Friends!