The sky was so beautiful this evening, pink clouds hung low, scattered by fluffy fist-full all across the summer evening.
I couldn't resist sharing these with you.
More pink clouds.
It looks like pink clouds are popping up everywhere for me, I'm busy getting this fiber blended and ready to spin. It's a joy to work with, I really love the process.

I've had this pattern for awhile now, I was inspired to knit it up...even though I have other projects I should be focusing on. It's a quick knit and I was pleased with how fast it felted. It seems like in the past it took forever for my projects to felt!

My Squirrel Tote turned out cute, it's just the right size for this little guy, I'm sure he will appreciate this cozy felted nest spot when the winter winds blow. I don't know about you, but I'm in no hurry for winter weather to return.
Have a great weekend! Blessings friends!